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Posts posted by RC_dartarro

  1. ^ Oh, that's a tad harsh. Basically, religious groups (and myself) are against it because since so many young kids read it, they may want to believe that you can actually cast spells and fly (you know how little kids are). A lot of kids have converted to wiccanism because of it, which is against Christianity. I think it's pretty ridiculous when religious groups are like "oh you must burn the books or burn in hell!". Personally, I'm just not that interested in it anyway.

  2. Every year at the Del Mar Fair without fail, a ride or two always breaks down. I remember 3 years ago going with my mom, and we got stuck on the sky ride ski lift things for about 30 minutes. I actually thought about trying to jump down a few times, but alas, we were at the highest point. When we finally got down we went on the Ferris Wheel before going home, and about an hour after getting home, the news showed that the Ferris Wheel had gotten stuck...for about 3 hours (they had to bring in a crane to rescue the people).

    The next year I went with a few friends and we went on a lot of rides, but somehow I just didn't want to go on the flume log ride (even though i love it)..didn't have a good feeling about it. Once again, a few hours later the log ride had gotten stuck mid-chute, and the all people flew out :o . Point in case, if you don't have a good feeling about a ride, don't go on it..because you might fly out into dirty, yucky ride water!

  3. * Don't throw food (especially candy) at each other in line.*


    While waiting in line for POTC at DL, some kids behind us decided to throw nerds (that had been in their mouths! ) at each other. One kid missed, and it landed on my friend's mom's cheek...needless to say a long lecture broke out.


    *Don't stick your arms and legs outside the vehicle* Especally when there are TREES less than 3 feet from the car. Some kid ended up with a bloody hand after being stupid.


    and please, for our mental well being, *If you are over 300 pounds, please, PLEASE do not wear a speedo to a water park* Especially if you decide to play frisbee with your child :shock:

  4. Well I didn't notice this thread before I posted in other threads, so I guess I shall do it formally now.


    My name is Aria and I am a 15 year old female from San Diego, CA. I am very protective of school marching bands because we take a lot of crud, especially stemming from the media. But many of us work harder than a lot of other sports (not to mention we get the highest SAT scores )

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