Drayton Manor has really fallen from grace, this fall has been quite rapid since about 2003. Shame really as beneath the surface is a manager who really cares about the place, unlike the large corporate machines like Tussauds.
Its not that UK park's can't run them its just that Rita and Spinball are low through-put rides, and becuase so many people use the system (by that I mean groups), it means the queue is longer then it needs to be.
Big Apple - Margate
Flying Fish - Thorpe Park
Clown Coaster- Chessington
Gebirgsbahn - Phantasialand
Grand Canyon Bahn - Phantasialand
Black Hole - Alton Towers
Klondike - Drayton Manor
Chessington didn't become a Theme Park over night, it took 6 years to get that up to scratch. From what I've seen of Flamingoland, they do seem to making a huge effort with Kumali.