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The Herbster

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About The Herbster

  • Birthday 11/27/1972

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  1. Thanks larrygator You are Sherlock Holmes, to my Dr Watson, for locating that info. With those prices (and the weak pound) it's cheaper to purchase USA/Canada maps and upload them onto my british Sat Nav and bring it over (especially as we're aiming to go to Florida next year). Thanks again TPR.
  2. This is a little off the subject - but I'm coming to SoCal in June and hired myself a compact car from Budget (via a UK website) at LAX. I did the same in New York State in May 2007. At that time I had the option of hiring a Sat Nav for $10 a day which I took up. Looking at the Budget.com website this option is no longer availble. Does that mean all Budget's cars have Sat Nav built in or is it a case of bring you own (Sat Nav/road map)? any thoughts from the locals? PS we've driving to LA, Las Vegas, Kings Canyon National Park and San Fran. Thanks
  3. Robb, you're too cool to be rude. My apologies; looks like I've got some forum reading to do this Easter. Happy Easter TPR
  4. Hi Everyone (from the UK) The wife and I are have just booked a fortnight's holiday in California for the end of June and start of July. We've decided that our itinerary will include SF: Magic Mountain, SF: Hurricane Habour and Universal studios. 1 day each. We're on a tight budget and wondered if anyone could answer some questions about these 3 parks: 1. Are there any local discount vouchers for admission (saw some in MacD's 2 years ago for SFGAdv)? Or any other vouchers/coupons? Coke cans? Grocery stores? 2. What about cheap local motels? 3. The BIG coasters in SF:MM will be riden just by me - is it worth getting the Flashpass just for me? 4. Anything else you local guys can think of to make an excellent trip even better? Thanks Herbster PS - as a complete side line - we'll be in San Francisco on July 4th - where should we go for the celebrations?
  5. Flying over to NYC next week and going up to Darien Lake soon after that. Just wondering if 'the locals' know of any coupons/vouchers/promo codes to get cheaper/2for1 admissions. Thanks in advance guys.
  6. Thanks again. I'll post again in 4 weeks (1 week before we fly out of the UK) to see what coupons have appeared.
  7. Thanks for the info guys. What about 2 for 1 admission coupons/drink can offers, any of these around?
  8. Hi Everyone The wife and I are going to Niagara Falls in May. I've persuaded her to stop off at SF:DL for a day of white knuckle rides. Just some questions about DL 1. Does it have Qbot? 2. Does it do single rider? 3. Are there any local 2 for 1 admissions vouchers (saw some in MacD's last year for SFGAdv)? Or any other vouchers? 4. Anything else you local guys can think of to make an excellent trip even better? Thanks Herbster
  9. Looks like SFDL here we come. As a bonus it not too far off our route and the opening times gives us a bit of flexibility. Thanks TPR!!
  10. Thank you Larrygator, Tanks4me05 and BuffaloCoastin for your priceless advice. I've been checking out the parks on rcdb.com and on their individual websites (for opening times). Then cross referencing that with a map of New York State. I've narrowed it down to either Darien Lake or Great Escape (I love my coasters and the wife her shopping [Woodbury Comon factory Outlet]). I need to do some more research about dates. I would love to go to SFGAdv again (I was there last August) to ride KK, El Toro and Nitro but it's in the other direction. Thanks again for the info.
  11. Hi (from the UK) My wife and I are coming to New York in May for our wedding anniversary. We'll be staying in NYC for a few days then driving to Niagara Falls for a few days, then back to NYC. We were hoping to stop off at an amusement park in between for a day to ride some coasters. Anyone have any reccommendations for parks between NYC and N Falls (or not more than a couple hours detour) that would be open before the 25th of May. Thanks in advance. Herbster + Mrs Herbster
  12. These US Coke cans seem to be valuable. I suppose its BoGoF for the front entrance ticket price ($60) ie $30 per person - still cheaper than the online $40 price (excluding tax). Thanks GAcoaster, the VIP deal looks tempting, but we've decided to go for the gold Qbot if we save enough from these discounted tickets at all the parks. Hi Carnage, these are the parks in order HP, PKD, GL, CP, CP/Soak city, SFGAdv. We hope to save enough bucks to get the Gold Qbot for our final park. We opted to stay at Breaker's express for CP and get their package - early entry and cheaper tickets.
  13. $7 off, thats excellent. Thanks mcjaco!!!!. Just to clarify that's 1 empty Coke can per person - right? Also is that a regular Coke can or one with the offer printed on it?
  14. Hi, hope you guys can help. We're coming over (from the UK) in August to ride some awesome rides at some awesome theme parks. We found that we can get discount tickets for Hershey Park and PKD from Giant and Krogers grocery stores respectively. We've wondering where we can get some discount tickets for Geauga Lake and SFGAdv? Any local grocery stores?
  15. I'm considering the q-bot thing. We (6 of us) are going the SFGAdv at the end of August (31st to be exact). If we get it , it will cost us $106 (almost 50% of the entrance fee!!!!). Any ideas which rides are q-bot active at SFGAdv? Is it worth getting?
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