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  1. Hello, I'm a lurker from London (originally from the NE) but as I just received a "Keep your Theme Park Review Account Active!" mail from Theme Park Review thought I'd better pop in and say hello properly so Hello to TPR posse. I was thinking earlier this week that this year is the first year I've never been on a roller coaster of any kind since I was a kid (35 now) so will probably pop down to one of the Fright Nights @ Thorpe Park and reacquaint myself with the Colossus. There I've said hello I'll go back to lurking now or maybe I won't who knows? Bryan
  2. Was very suprised at some of the the rides in Munich. The Euro Star and Olympia were as good if not better than some of the UK coasters. One of my party did chuck on The Frisbee but he had already done the frisbee once then the olympia and went back on The Frisbee, stopped it coming out of his mouth so it came out of his nose, lovely. I was suprised not to see others as a lot of beer is consumed and drunk people and roller coasters to me do not mix. Some of the gentler rides were awesome. Both ghost trains were huge fun.
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