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Everything posted by snuggles

  1. Wouldn't it be smarter to keep it running while it is on fire until the fire is put out? This is probably an example of poor carny maintenance.
  2. Wait.. Why don't they just fill in where grass should be with sand? That is pure western theming right there!
  3. Although he can apply for compensation of up to 25k for each year he was in there. Thats 1/2 a million$ or so.
  4. Arent they refurbishing the trains? I think I read somewhere that they are, or already did. It will essentially be a brand new coaster, so we will have to see if it has gotten better with new track, and a fresh start.
  5. 2842 feet. And it only looks like cheese because I used the GG environment, not the CCI.
  6. Heres my entry to the GG coaster contest, it's not quite finished yet, but I just want to show it off. I don't have a name yet, but here it is, still in progress after 2 straight days of work. Those stupid workers STILL haven't installed the track! For the brake run enthusiasts. Lateral supports are in progress.. A better view The mid-course brakes. AUTO SUPPORTS SUCK 90 degrees of SEX. H-beams on the back of the 90* I need to fix this. lift hill and stuff the curving first drop into a 70* banked curve. Tell me what you all think, it is my first coaster with custom stuff.
  7. I heard that I am not going to WWW again until 2009.
  8. Just make them show a drivers license before you bring in an interpretor. DOWN WITH THE ILLEGALS!
  9. Hopefully the Nelson's can get someone to look after the park, like a rent-a-cop. Who is up for posing as rich businessmen looking to buy the park, just to see everything inside?
  10. Lower wages to minimum wage temporarily, and raise it back up slowly as the park comes back together
  11. What if your 72 virgins are fat and ugly?
  12. www.screamscape.com/html/joyland1.htm The Nelson's are being totally STUPID about this whole situation. I guess I should go and see if anything has left. If it is true, I just lost all faith in the Nelson's. Maybe they've gone senile, and don't know what the hell they are doing now. Hopefully this is just a rumor (rides being removed) and not true. I don't see how they could really move anything out though, the only "portable" rides are the wave-swinger, and the round-up.. I really doubt they could even move the round-up, the tires on it's trailer have probably partially rotted by now.
  13. Furries! How did kidtums like being touched by 2 furries?
  14. In the eyes of the GP, wild west world. People say "its almost better than six flags, or worlds of fun"
  15. Intelligent posts? In a recent study, readers experienced heightened brain activity in this thread, more than any other, thus freeing them from their vegetable state of mind for just a little bit.
  16. My brother graduated today.. Go him.. lol..
  17. Little did he know, that a year later, a monster was born at HW.
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