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Posts posted by ncf

  1. Oh my god. LOL, this was very funny. I found so many things in the pictures, that made me laugh.

    Let me guess: You have kitchen service this week, but you want to learn how to play the flute! Thats why you couldn´t clean up the kitchen!




    No that's pretty much how our kitchen always looks And the flute was there because my brother tried to annoy me with it yesterday

  2. I find all these totally random photoTRs kinda stupid, so I though I'd make the stupidest ever (+ I am really bored right now...lol)


    So, I was really thirsty and I decided to go get a cup of water...


    I picked up the cup and got up of my chair...


    ...I walked in to the kitchen


    I waited a few second so the water would be really cold...


    I filled my cup with cold water...


    I turned off the tap with the cup...


    I went back to the computer...


    I put the cup on the table while I sat down...





  3. I made a backyard coaster this summer in Finland with a frieand who lives there We called it Ukkos Vaunu, wich is finnish for Thunder Wagon. It worked perfectly, except that it was hard to get in the wagon. It was also incredibly solid!! it barely moves when you try to shake it 8)


    The first modern wooden coaster in Finland





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