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Posts posted by ncf

  1. OMG!!! Check this out: http://www.tusenfryd.no/?SectionId=563 Click on "tekniske skisser" for layout and train pics! Speed Monster has SO much more good stuff that I ever thought!!

    1. The first thing IS an inversion!

    2. It has 2 S-turns, one after the immelman and the second one after the first corkscrew-hop!

    3. The 180 degree turns are way more banked than I imagined!

    4. The is no double corkscrew, the first one is a mix between a bunny-hill and a corkscrew hop!


  2. For anyone who has been to both US and UK parks; do people queue differently? From what I gather in the US people continue queueing at any loading bays they want regardless of it being empty or not. While in the UK you get into the station and stay in the queue until the loading bays are emptied and then you move into which bay you want. Once these are all taken people stay in the queue and continue to do so until the bays are emptied again.


    Exactly! I've been to 6 parks in California and Nevada and 3 in England, and the line thing is very true.


    I have a question. What is the difference between "line" and "queue"? When I was in California last year, people didn't understand what I meant when I said queue, they was like "OH! you mean line!" In England (3 weeks ago) they didn't understand when I said line, and THEY were like "oh, you mean queue"

  3. b].


    If the rest of her new album is going to be like this.... w00t! Can't wait! Her last album, American Life, was okay. Well, no, it was kinda crap. But still, it's Madonna...





    I love American Life! I've been listening to it since July...

  4. I'm a coaster ethusiast and I don't HATE any coasters. Some coasters are more boring or uncomfortable COMPARED to OTHER COASTERS, but NO "bigger" coaster is BAD. Being on any ("bigger") coaster is more fun than... not being on any coaster. BTW I relly like Déjà Vu, definately one of my favorite coasters

  5. Thursday Oct. 7th, Day5: London


    We got a free ride to Heathrow airport in the mording and took the subway to London. There was some other Norwegians there too!

    We got off at Piccadelly Circus and went to Madame Tussauds


    The fake people looked very real...


    After that we went too see Big Ben and london Eye



    In the London Eye there was some chinese people with VERY noicy kids

    Here is the lava-lamp building in the background! Does anyone know what it is for??


    more London....


    This is only 4 meters lower than Kingda Ka


    Then we went to the famous Harrods mall. I was extremely tired. I really hate shopping. I think I actually fell asleep, standing!!


    Friday Oct. 8th, Last day


    We spent our last day at Thorpe Park again.


    Colossus were still only running one train and the line was long... It broke down while I was in the line and I waited an hour to get on it


    Stealth has got more cars and a station!


    more Colossus


    the last heart-line-roll was very close to the ground!


    Nemesis Inferno's fastest point


    tall support holding the top of the first drop


    just thought thios would be cool


    bye Colossus, I WILL miss you


    That's it! My best fall break ever The worst thing I know is getting home after having such a good time...


    to sum up all coasters:


    #1 Nemesis: VERY intense, powerful, forceful... and 100% smooth, definately my favorite B&M coaster


    #2 Rita: Bigger and better than expected. Way better than Kanonen, But Xcelerator is still better. Most intense air-time I've ever experienced, great launch and lots of Gs on the helixes


    #3 Colossus: Pretty rough, but not painful at all. Very intense, especially the corkscrews, good air-time on the hill between the loop and the cobra-roll, four heart-line-rolls in a row was awesome, and the last roll was very close to the ground.


    #4 Air: Not tame and boring at all like I've heard. The lay-on-your-back part was really intense and cool. The ride was very disorienting and fun. Look forward to Tatsu!!


    #5 Oblivion: Great long-lasting floating air-time, very deep, but unfortunately very short.


    #6 Nemesis Inferno: Kind of tame, but good pre-lift elements and very smooth


    #7 Shockwave: Not very rough, great hang-time on all inversions. The 0-G-roll was a weird element on a stand-up coaster, but very fun ofcourse


    #8 Spinnball Wizzer: Super fast lift hill, very smooth, lot of fun...


    #9 G Force: Too rough, too tight restraints, extremely scary lift-hill, disorienting

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