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Posts posted by ncf

  1. This is what I see:


    Launch Up and Over Escalator

    Dive Down (upside down) under Escalator

    Into Immelman (upside down)

    High Speed Turn

    Bunny Hop Over Escalator

    Bunny Hop

    Corkscrew (upside down)

    Corkscrew (upside down)




    4 Inversions... Looks incredible!!


    There is only one corkscrew at the end... So it must have only 3 inversions But double corkscrewhop is probably just as good as double corkscrew


    look closely at this tecnical drawing, there is 1 corkscrew at the end

  2. Man, speed monster looks really cool! Also, after reading some facts I noticed that it in only running three cars per train, and only running 2 trains. Although it might be a really cool ride, it's going to lack capacity by only launching 12 riders at a time. Still, it should be interesting...


    Colin C


    Lets make one thing clear. This is NOT america !


    So? Quite a few parks in Europe pull in some heavy attendance. Its not just America who has G-Force quota's to fill and adrenaline to surge.


    Norway only has 4 000 000 inhabitans, that's like a third of the population in LA

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