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Everything posted by ncf

  1. Yeah I just wanted you to see what I meant. The announcement picture clearly shows 2 corkscrews while the technical drawings has one...
  2. Don't you see that the track is not upsidedown on the first one and on the last one it is? I'm pretty sure about this...
  3. There is only one corkscrew at the end... So it must have only 3 inversions But double corkscrewhop is probably just as good as double corkscrew look closely at this tecnical drawing, there is 1 corkscrew at the end
  4. Thank you for the pics! That is truly amazing I can't believe it's at the park I visit about 10 times every year Do you know if there really are 4 inversions as Tusenfryd's website says? What and where is the 4th one? And does it go under the launch track between the first and the second corkscrewhop?
  5. Do you have more pics? That is so cool, I would love to see some pics of the corkscrewhop
  6. ok I hate kids younger than 14 lol
  7. I totally agree, but Im really worried about that It has happened to Nemesis at AT, people were bleeding on their faces
  8. I hope kids wont throw stones on the train flying by, kids are really mean here...
  9. Every time I've been at Liseberg, there has been a lot of norwegians, while at Tusenfryd I almost never see swedes...
  10. Lets make one thing clear. This is NOT america ! So? Quite a few parks in Europe pull in some heavy attendance. Its not just America who has G-Force quota's to fill and adrenaline to surge. Norway only has 4 000 000 inhabitans, that's like a third of the population in LA
  11. On Oblivion, they stopped the train came up and took my camera away
  12. I HATE rain so much that you can't ever imagine. Last cloudless day I had was the first day of my England Trip (Oct. 2nd) I can't go out, and I feel so sad when it is so gray and wet outside. I am serious about moving to California some day, partly due to the weather. God damn it I hate rain so much, and I need to get some anger out http://vaer.sol.no/Vaer.aspx?utmx=298799&utmy=6699620&meter=0&sted=Bergen&maplevel=5
  13. Friends, food and coaster, construction updates & announcements
  14. New pics from Tusenfryd (not taken by me) Launch track is up The immelman is done. It's actually not 100% up-side-down, but I'm sure it'll be just as great Isn't this just the best park entrance ever :o
  15. There was a bit about this coaster in the last issue of First Drop. It's only 20 meters high, while the two other Half-Pipes are both 30m...
  16. The only coaster I've ever been nervous on was G Force's crazy lift hill.
  17. But Rita still has the best air-time I have ever experienced so far...
  18. Best steel: X Best wood: Ghostrider Worst steel: Demon Worst wood: Psyclone
  19. My favorite place names in the world are -Fuc*ing, Austria -Hell, Norway -Nissitissit Rivers, USA -Paska Lake, Canada (Paska is Finnish for crap)
  20. Steel Falcon, a compact B&M Flyer that goes under paths and the ground many times, ...and Danger, B&M invert that travels a lot close to the ground
  21. I love california!! Palms, ocean, always warm and Coasters!!! Norway is soooo boring
  22. Liseberg has been closed for a month. It will open for Christmas, but they will not be running any of the coasters, I think... I'm from Norway BTW
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