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Posts posted by ncf

  1. When you are older the time seems to go by faster that when you're a kid. For example from 5 years to 10 years old your age is doubled and it takes 5 years to double it. But when you're 40, it takes 40 years until you are twice as old (80 years).


    This is why it feels like the time goes slower when you're a child although it actually keeps the same "speed".


    according to this test (wich you wont understand a word of) http://www.lintukoto.net/testit/elamyksellinen_ika/index.php , I still have 77% of my life left if I become 74 years old (the average of men in finland) but mentally I have 59% left

  2. Heh Norway is finally getting its first good steel coaster and youre pissed off?? Oh yes I forgot, you dont have any good steel coasters over there called Storm Runner, Superman Ride of Steel or Montu just to mention some.....


    I doubt that anyone will come as close to coaster prefection as Expedition GeForce over here.


    Superman: Ride of Steel, SF New England??


    Americans are so spoiled with the coasters and everytime we get something new in Europe, they want it too

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