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  1. I got this earlier: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v455/MForce2k/pondcam2.jpg
  2. Lemme just... finish writing down that name and address. perfect!
  3. Looks like someone got fairly liberal with their design.. I think it's similar to Golaith, but also similar to Raging Bull, but not close to either of them. That middle part is a lot more twisted than either of those rides.
  4. I really, really think that this should be brought up with the park. If I had gone into a store like "Old Navy" and seen some workers on their cell phones I wouldnt care so much, but their JOB at an amusement park is to keep people safe. They are being payed to operate a ride and make sure that people are safe, and if they're good at their job, make people have a good time. I think the fact that a girl in the gift shop was sitting behind the register and that ride ops were talking on phones is absolutely inexcusable and those kids should not be working there if this is how serious they take a job like that. Those pictures should be forwarded to the park and those kids should be reprimanded both for hurting the park's wallet and their image.
  5. I dont think that physics would allow the train to go back up and over unless it was going insanely (dangerously) fast into it.
  6. So they were just waiting for another Morgan coaster to have an accident and take away the "curse" ?
  7. I would also like to know if they have ever engaged in contracts with parks that restrict them from replicating any specific ride designs. There are rumors of them not being able to build certain types of rides, for example, another Dive Machine, because of a contract with Busch Gardens. I am wondering if they would actually do something like this because it hinders their possible business with other parks.
  8. I think that A LOT of these have already been answered by these guys publically.
  9. I would like to know how B&M view the competition in the coaster world. Do they see it as a cut-throat industry where you must always be ahead of everyone else, or do they respect each designer's types of rides and stay with what they feel most comfortable with? Building off of that one, I would like to know if they have any regrets breaking away from Intamin. Could they see themselves being as wildly successful had they stayed or was that the best decision of their lives? I anxiously await the results of the interview. I'm sure it'll be great!
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