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Posts posted by SpartanTS

  1. Also, with KD getting a brand new coaster. Busch Gardens might be putting in a brand new coaster also to keep up with competition.

    While I know the two parks are only a couple hours away, how much do they really compete with each other?


    Seems to be like a very different demographic at each park whenever I've visited.




    The demographic is indeed very different. As crazy as it may sound, these parks don't have to worry about competing with each other.


    BGW patrons are for the most part from the Hampton Roads area (Williamsburg eastward) due to the booming military population here, not to mention the free pass we get once a year . KD doesn't draw many visitors from this area, but they have DC to their north and Richmond/Petersburg to their south. Both fairly large metro areas.


    These parks have their own metro areas surrounding them, and don't directly compete with each other...for now


    I've lived in the Hampton Roads area for a little while now.

  2. ^ I really see no grounds for that statement. In what universe does the color of the track have anything to do with how the ride preforms? Also, I'm sure there are a few people out there that would argue with you about Silver Bullet sucking. Mediocre and forceless, sure, but sucky it is not.


    I really don't care what it's called or what its color is, or even what type of ride it will be. All I care about is that after over 5 years of neglect, we are finally getting something NEW.


    Sarcasm meter not working much?


    I, too, have heard this rumor. Keyword = Rumor.


    ^ You can't be sure on anything yet. Don't say you know KD is getting a giga unless you are Dick Kinzel or the GM at KD. Yes, things have showed up at the park labeled 'giga', but I think it's a little suspicious just to leave it out there like that. CF is usually good at hiding things... until now. I wouldn't say ANYTHING is confirmed until we hear an official announcement. And no, I'm not one of those 'fanboys' trying to say that the biggest, baddest coaster is coming to Carowinds, even though I live 10 minutes from the park. I can't see us getting the giga.


    If you can find me a time where brand new track showed up at a park, combined with land clearing, with the track clearly labled "giga coaster" and the ride wasn't installed at that park, let me know.


    This isn't rocket science folks. You can split hairs all you want, saying we don't know that KD is getting a giga. By that logic, TPTB don't know that KD is getting a giga until the ride is installed, working, and taking riders. Otherwise, even that is speculation.


    Both parks are getting something. Land has been cleared, track is showing up, footers are being poured.

  4. Has anyone begun to think that maybe CF is to install two Intamin Rides? This Carowinds project is looking more and more Intamin from the footer markings. I'm being told that we could be looking at an Intamin Mega/Giga Launch Coaster. I actually can confirm that our site map is larger in scale than KD. What if those parts that were onsite at KD to show Intamin Giga were left there as a decoy and there true home is carowinds. Yes KD is getting a coaster but just maybe because of the proximity of the two parks CF is going to pull a switch a rue on us all. The looks of the track at KD is more of a dive machine and can a Giga really fit in the clearing?

    Before you think I'm crazy please look at the clearings. Carowinds has cleared a much larger area than KD. Now markings can now be found today way past the south gate.

    I just have this feeling on this......


    Call me crazy, but I doubt CF is going to stage a decoy at another park 300 miles to the north to confuse the media and a few coaster geeks.


    KD is getting an Intamin Giga. We'll have to wait for track to see what Carowinds is getting for sure. Til then, it's pure speculation. One thing is for sure though. Whatever KD and Carowinds are building, I'll be riding next season.

  5. Ooh, imagine how outstanding Mean Streak would be if GCI had designed and built it with Millennium Flyers and decent track. Yum...

    I still say tear it out and put in a true GCI, though.


    I'd take an Intamin Woodie before a GCI. With all the business CF has given to Intamin, I hope they seriously consider it after how successful El Toro has been for SFGAdv. That is one helluva wooden coaster.


    FWIW, I've had ONE ride on Mean Streak. It was without a doubt the most painful wooden coaster I've ever ridden, and I've have my fair share of wood over the past few years.

  6. I was at at GAdv yesterday, and Kingda Ka is slated to be down for an "undetermined amount of time". What's the point of buying a $25 million toy and never get to play with it?


    El Toro was open, and I got 2 rides in before it broke down. I saw a train get stuck on the lift 3 times on the same cycle. It then got stuck 3 separate cycles after that. Even when I rode both times, there was a loud clank at the bottom of the lift hill on our way up.


    Superman broke down a few times later in the day.

    Medusa, I mean "BIZARRO" was down for a little while later in the day.


    Everything else was pretty consistent throughout the day. If King's Dominioin had a hyper and an Intamin woodie, there'd be no reason for me to drive 5.5 hours to NJ for my airtime fix.

  7. In this order...


    El Toro - Six Flags Great Adventure

    Nitro - Six Flags Great Adventure

    Goliath - Six Flags Over Georgia

    Apollo's Chariot - Bush Gardens Europe

    Top Thrill Dragster - Cedar Point

    Magnum XL-200 - Cedar Point

    Millennium Force - Cedar Point

    Griffon - Busch Gardens Europe

    Volcano - Kings Dominion

    Big Bad Wolf - Busch Gardens Europe


    El Toro has created a new standard for intense airtime IMO. I've never wanted to get on a wooden coaster over and over until I rode El Toro.

  8. Yea yea the name sucks, we got that the first few times it was said. I think Kennywood and Dollywood are stupid names, but that never stopped me from going.


    Personally, I find Dollywood to be quite clever. It's a play on words based on a famous location, and named after it's superstar part owner. How is that stupid? Do you also consider Walt Disney World stupid?


    I should use a better choice of words. Unoriginal is what I should have said. However, I'm not going to get in a posting war about a name. So I digress...


    I want the park to be a success. Since I'm from SC I'm obviously biased so I could care less about a name. I think it's a great small park, but with the Pavilion gone, I think the investors though they'd have a monopoly in the area and could charge what they wanted. That obviously didn't work out so well...

  9. After reading this I've realized that I have to go to this park this year if I ever wanna ride those 5 coasters. I think this will cause them to lose park visitors.


    Can't wait to go to Freestyle Music Park....


    Lose visitors? There weren't very many visitors the first time around.


    Yea yea the name sucks, we got that the first few times it was said. What truly matters is whether they will survive this time around, and if they lower the ticket cost, I'm sure they will. I think Kennywood and Dollywood are stupid names, but that never stopped me from going.

  10. Being from SC, and from living in the MB area and knowing quite a few people there, the biggest gripe was the cost to get in the gate.


    On top of the fact that many people were disgruntled about the Pavilion, many citizens were still in mourning, as crazy as that sounds.


    It'll get more support this time around if they lower the ticket cost to about 25-30 a person, and hopefully they'll do a helluva better job with marketing the park this time around.


    But whoever invested this time around got a great deal for an amusement park. $25 million is a helluva lot cheaper than the initial cost of $400 million.

  11. HRP gets New Name

    "Freestyle Music Park"




    MYRTLE BEACH, S.C., April 9 SC-FPI-MB-Freestyle


    New Name Reflects Renewed Vision and Direction for Former Hard Rock Park in Myrtle Beach, S.C.


    MYRTLE BEACH, S.C., April 9 /PRNewswire/ -- FPI MB Entertainment LLC (FPI MBE) today unveiled the new name for the former Hard Rock Park. "Freestyle Music Park" represents FPI MBE's renewed vision and direction for the Park in 2009 and beyond.


    Freestyle Music Park is the destination for the celebration of that revolutionary phenomenon rock n' roll but also encompasses other genres of music including country, reggae, beach music, pop, R&B, alternative, Christian, and disco. At Freestyle Music Park, guests can indulge their inner "rock star" while enjoying the park's many rides, shows and other attractions.


    In addition, Freestyle Music Park will be the prototype and launching point for the Freestyle Park brand throughout the world. FPI MBE plans to open additional attractions and entertainment venues in the coming years, under the Freestyle Park banner. The Myrtle Beach Park will be the first to feature a music theme.


    "Choosing 'Freestyle Music' as the name of the Park is a strategic move that we see as a key benefit for the long-term success of the project while broadening its appeal to an infinitely larger number of guests," said Steve Baker, president of FPI MBE. "With Freestyle Music Park, we own the name, leaving us unencumbered by one specific brand. This will allow us, from a partnership perspective, to explore other opportunities and collaborate with national and international brands that will strengthen and extend the 'Freestyle' brand in Myrtle Beach and throughout the world."


    In the weeks ahead, FPI MBE will be announcing several changes to its Freestyle Music Park. Many of the rides, restaurants and areas throughout the Park are being re-themed to better fit into the vision of Freestyle Music Park. Castings are also underway for talent to star in Freestyle Music Park's musical and live stage show acts, which are currently in development and will be announced at a later date.


    About Freestyle Music Park


    Freestyle Music Park is a 55-acre Park located in Myrtle Beach, S.C. and is owned and operated by FPI MB Entertainment LLC (FPI MBE). Freestyle Music Park has more than 50 attractions for music fans of all ages, including roller coasters, shows, children's play areas, restaurants, cafes and retail stores, a multi-purpose live music amphitheatre and an ultra-modern sound system, creating a totally immersive full day experience. For more information on Freestyle Music Park, call (843) 236-7625 or visit FreestyleMusicPark.com.

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