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  1. Nah I'm sure they heard the 5 enthusiasts complain about them so they spent millions researching a new train that should satisfy enthusiasts.
    3 points
  2. I still don't get all the complaints about the vest restraints on the B&Ms. Other than the first season on GateKeeper, where they did seem to have a tightening problem, I haven't noticed that in seasons since, and I find them generally comfortable. I certainly prefer them to head banging and stinky hard OTS restraints!
    2 points
  3. If there are any satellite image nerds out there like me, Google Maps updated the aerials for Great Adventure. Looks to be like early spring 2021 - park is open, JDC is complete, but the landscaping isn't touched yet. EDIT: Also interesting to see just how big the Adventure Crossing complex is truly going to be based off of the full clearing size. I know some construction has also started since these images were taken. Definitely going to be a significant change for the area, a much different dynamic from when I lived just down the road from the place.
    2 points
  4. I just watched the Behind the Attraction episode about the Tower of Terror rides, and I'm even more intrigued with Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout. Pretty impressive what they could pull off in 11 months.
    2 points
  5. Pushaw I say. The only thing I want them to do Beast is restore the skid brakes and replace the individual ratcheting lap bars with the original buzz-bars and lose the headrests. You can keep the seat dividers and seat belts if you want. It's already my #1 wooden coaster, restoring it to its original glory would only solidify that further. (Edit) As an additional thought, there are dozens of wooden coasters out there that are older than Beast, some nearing or exceeding a hundred years old, that have not had recent substantial changes to their layout - Beast can run correctly as intended, it doesn't need to be modified any further.
    2 points
  6. Hi Hoosier Dude, I believe we've seen your updated review on Google. I apologize that we didn't update our response until just a few minutes ago (Google doesn't put those in our "new reviews" section). I just want to express that our team puts our hearts and souls into what we do. When a ride goes down, we will spend what it takes to get it back up and operating safely as quickly as possible. Right now, we're at the mercy of a mess of a global supply chain--both with food and ride parts, but our team is going above and beyond in so many invisible ways to get rides back and food in restaurants this year. I'm proud to be a part of that team. That said, the days of your visit were particularly unlucky days for our maintenance team. We'd like to find a way to make your experience better, but we need to be able to converse with you in an appropriate forum--would you mind sending us an email at comments@holidayworld.com?
    2 points
  7. Wonderful! Glad it arrived. Enjoy the book, and thanks for picking it up!
    1 point
  8. Um, big park or little park, that's basic business- they HAVE to care about the bottom line if they want to stay in business. Which incidentally requires them to also care about customer satisfaction, to keep customers coming back. I go to small independent parks too because some things they have are different, but find your term interesting - "Learn to love" the other (better?) smaller parks that has apparently taken your business. Out of curiosity, what specific care did they show you that Valleyfair/Cedar Fair didn't?
    1 point
  9. Unfortunately I missed the drone and fireworks show for this summer. I went several times while they were doing the show, but I could never stay until it got dark out, usually because it was so dang hot and it wore me out. I was planning on going list last Friday or Saturday night, but on Friday morning I received my second Moderna Covid vaccine and I pretty much felt pretty bad and ended up not going to Dollywood. I've seen the videos of the show on youtube and really would have liked to have seen the show live, but it wasn't in the cards for this year. Hopefully they will bring it back next summer or do another version for Halloween or Christmas.
    1 point
  10. Some news from the new themed land at Europa-Park: https://www.parkerlebnis.de/europa-park-neue-big-dipper-achterbahn-bauflaeche-bekannt_123430.html It will be located int he area behind Russia, maybe the radio telescope has to go (according to a tweet from Michael Mack saying that "there could be built better looking things with that steel"). The article says, that it will indeed be a Big Dipper model with an 80 km/h (50 mph) launch. Throughput should be the same as SIlver Star.
    1 point
  11. Yeah homegirl came to this thread to see if anybody had any news about this coaster. It would kinda baffle me if they didn't get the approval needed to build this ride. Will this become yet another delayed project? Or do we think it'll open late in the summer of 2022?
    1 point
  12. I'd be ok with them adding a third lift and another mile of track.
    1 point
  13. Great meeting you and hanging out for a bit! I ended up leaving around 5pm on Saturday since I had a REALLY early flight on Sunday, and I wasn't sure the weather would ever clear up. You will LOVE the book! So well written and well researched. Hoping KI puts out a 50th Anniversary picture book next year like CP did this year for their 150th. And yes...hoping to do CoasterStock next year too!
    1 point
  14. ^ You're going to love that book. I really don't think a 17 year old wrote that.
    1 point
  15. Yeah, not so much "slow degradation" as "immediate response to a crisis." But I do agree that it's not the same experience as 10 years ago. It's the same experience as 1 year ago. When you figure out why, maybe you'll cut them some slack. These are good people, and I guarantee they want even more badly than you do for service to be back up to their usual standards. Edit: Haha, and while I was typing this out, they're already on it.
    1 point
  16. I mean... you do realize every park in the industry is dealing with these issues at the moment?
    1 point
  17. Fast Lane, Flash Pass, Skip the line passes are an even playing field. ANYONE can buy them. if you want to spend the money on it, then do it. If not, don't - and don't bitch about those who are willing to pay for something you've chosen not to get.
    1 point
  18. been getting some really bad health news (my Spouse, not me). . and we moved my Dad into assisted living (against his will), and spent weekend in Houston trying to sort / clean his house so we can sell it (hoarder crossed with collector, but he hasn't touched anything in over 4 1/2 years since my Mom died. . so yeah, it was / still is pretty bad). so even tho my Brother is doing most all of the Heavy lifting with Dad (he lives in Houston, and moved Dad to a place a few blocks from him) I'm so stressed. . can't stop eating, and prolly put on 10 lbs in the past 2 weeks.
    0 points
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