Theme Park
Review's Links!
Here are some sites we highly recommend:

Roller Coaster Database
- Need we say more?

- Best news and rumors on the net! (About parks, that is)

- Theme Parks & Potato Salad!

Coaster Force - Great international
coaster information

Roller Coasters, Hot
Chicks, and Beer - Do you need anything else? =)

It's all about Great Adventure!

Roller Coaster Media Library! Check it out
(literally!) And be sure to take their quiz! - some AWESOME
photos from Europe and the rest of the world!

Like is says -
Networking the Attractions Business

Coaster Counter - A
great way to log your track record!

RideWorld - Park Events, and Theme Park Information!

Network - Great information about coasters and theme parks

Game Stuff, Forums, and more random stuff!

Onride - International
Rollercoaster Community and German pretzels

You might not find any hot chicks, but
you'll find a LOT of coaster info!

Roller Coaster Club of
Great Britain - Just as it sounds!

It's a Coaster Club -
European Style! Also home to First Drop Magazine!

NorCal Coasters -
Who says Northern California is boring?

Theme Park Denmark
- These guys live near the Dog Fart Coaster, so they're cool! - Coasters
Freaky Australia Style!

Joyrides - The
best coaster photos on the net!

CoasterSims - Coaster
game and other randomess

Lone Star Thrills - Because every
thing is bigger in Texas!

Whootah! - Totally
messed up people! Which is why we like them!

Amusement Today - The
best "industry" information out there

Parcs Passion -Oui,
Oui! French
Roller Coaster Club

Six Flags New England Central - Everything you
need to know about SFNE
- Great site about Australian parks

Jonathan Hawkins'
Coaster Site - Lots of photos and videos by Jonathan

XTREME Coastin - It's about coasters and
it's XTREME!

East Coast
Coasters - Videos, Photos and Information about coasters out east

The Point Online - Cedar Point Information

Coasterdom - Lots of coaster information
and cool forums!

Great Adventure Source - Everything you need to
know about SFGadv!

PKI Central - Everything you need to know
about King's Island.

SFGAm World - Everything you need to know
about Six Flags Great America

XtremeCoasters - Information about
XTREME rides!
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